by Blake Carpenter | Dec 21, 2020 | News
Tonight is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Seven years ago, the newly minted Chicago version of Sonus Umbra released their first album, Winter Soulstice, a cold and foreboding semi-autobiographical album written primarily by Luis and set deep in...
by Blake Carpenter | Dec 10, 2020 | News
The pre-release sale has begun for “A Sky Full of Ghosts”, which officially drops in 12 days! We are excited to announce that December 22 will be the official release date for our new album. It is now available on our Bandcamp store at...
by Blake Carpenter | Aug 28, 2020 | News
Greetings, furry mammals. We here at Sonus Umbra miss playing live for you, so with all of us at home, we put together a version of “Alone Together Alone” from our album “Beyond the Panopticon” with the help of a few special guests. While doing...
by Blake Carpenter | May 5, 2018 | News
Come out this Tuesday to see Sonus Umbra open for the great Italian band PFM Premiata Forneria Marconi – Official. Our good friend David Keller will be sitting in with us as a special guest. His fantastic cello playing is all over the last two Sonus Umbra...
by Blake Carpenter | Jan 26, 2018 | News
Welcome to our new web site! Long time in the works, we are happy to finally share it with you all. It has a thoroughly modern look and feel, with much of the content quickly accessible from the scrollable home page. Traditional menus are there too, where you can...