I’m the founder and last remaining member of the original band that formed in Mexico City under the name Radio Silence in the early 90’s. For many years I used to brag about not sleeping. Not anymore. I also stopped drinking strangers under the table and feeding many other illicit and insane habits. I am a musician, a composer and a theoretical physicist. I love the secret language of nature, and I am still here, speaking; against all logic and reason, disproving prophets and pissing off my enemies I remain out of thermodynamic equilibrium with the Universe. I’m an inmate in this gravitational prison, orbiting at 30 km/s round the Sun where not even the dead go free. But it’s our only home in space, and after a half a century of war I’ve come to realize that I love the joint; I just have real differences with many of the other human inmates. I hurtle through space, but I’m afraid of heights, so I bass to keep me safe and low. Just a human. Being.
Hi Luis,
This is Dennis Haley (friend of Orion, Baltimore, and all things progressive and otherwise). I have really enjoyed your emergence as a member of “In the Prog Seat” with many of your stories and tastes echoing our conversations and experiences together at Orion and NEARfest where I was the Lead Keyboard Tech along with Jim Rezek. I particularly enjoyed the conversations about Deus ex Machina, and Derick Sherinian (do I have a story about him). I would enjoy rekindling the conversations and friendship if you find the time (I’m a high school teacher so I understand being busy).
Hope to hear from you,
PS. Your comment on finding SOT and having it inspire you to list to new music is my same experience. :o)
Hi Dennis! Been a long time brother. I will definitely hook up with you. My email is, and I will be pinging you soon. Been crazy busy lately, but it’s a good busy.
Take care.